Monday, August 26, 2019

Animation + Visual Effects Vimeo

Just a reminder to check out our Animation + Visual Effects Vimeo page HERE. I've just updated it with the announcement of our new BFA concentration and student work from last Spring.

Monday, August 19, 2019

BFA Animation + Visual Effects

As we officially start the Fall semester I'm so excited to announce our big news - APSU Art+Design is now offering a new BFA concentration in Animation + Visual Effects!

I've been working towards this since coming to APSU in 2015. You can read more about the program HERE and see our latest reel of student work below!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

SIGGRAPH 2019 Student Work Online

The SIGGRAPH 2019 Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit is now online! Check out the link HERE. The following images are accompanied by the assignment sheets - contributing to a huge resource of projects/assignments for other schools to see. There's a lot of hard work in these projects and I'm very proud of all the students accomplished!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Heather and Disney Bagel Friday

Friday is free bagel day at Disney Feature Animation.  So each Friday, Disney Animation posts an employee's bagel recipe.  This Friday they feature Heather's!