Thursday, May 7, 2015
There's been many chances for some celebrity sightings on campus. From walking past Paul Giamatti before learning he was cast in Turbo, to seeing Prince and his huge entourage led around campus by Katzenberg himself. My favorite still is walking past Steven Spielberg as he got himself a soft-serve ice cream cone in the commissary.
But the most epic had to be the Kung Fu Panda 2 press day on campus. Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, and Gary Oldman spent the entire day in and around our building. Walking outside to go get a soda, I saw a crowd of employees starting to look down at the lagoon area, only to see these to starting the meet and greet with reporters. Later in the day, while walking out of the building, I stepped aside to let Jack Black and his DW guide walk past to another press event (taller than I imagined). My lunch group also held the door open for Oldman. The best story was my boss, Allen, who went to use the restroom before lunch, and was at the urinal next to Oldman. Not everyday you get to pee next to Sirius Black himself....