Monday, November 9, 2015
New Animation Workshop Goes Live!
I can't wait to get started on this class! I approached CG Society about a class teaching animation fundamentals (and tips & tricks) geared towards professionals or students from other CG disciplines that could benefit from better animation knowledge. Cameras, props, fx, dynamics, layout - everyone can benefit from either more polished animation or a more efficient workflow and approach to animation.
I learned this first hand as a crowds simulation artist at DreamWorks. Just a few animation tips from my mentor, Kevin Vassey, and immediately my crowds were more polished, believable, and just "felt" more properly animated. I think this will help fill a huge gap in animation education - a whole demographic that is truly interested in animation, but doesn't want to spend 9 months learning how to make a flour-sack jump. Class starts at the first of the year!