There's a lot going on today! It's the first day of class for the academic year, but more importantly it's our official start in the new Art + Design Building! It's been a long time coming and it's been worth it - it's a damn fine looking building. It's really exciting starting to see all the studio spaces get moved in, furniture in the hallways, and students starting to walk through.
What's been really exciting is in just the last several weeks, the decision was made to swap computer labs - so now the Animation Studio has the larger second floor room. Lots of natural light, a large open space in the center of the room (for our mo-cap when it arrives), and tons of storage for all the fun animation tech we've been getting in all summer.

You can see it's a great space. I love the setup. Gone are projectors and instead students are clustered around HD TVs that will pick up the feed from the teachers station. There's no bad seats, no one has to have their back to the screen. There's still a lot to do with the room, and some more computers and tech we have to find homes for in the room. But it's an amazing space and I'm very fortunate to get to teach in some an awesome space!